Urban95 Phase 1 Closure Workshop Takes Stock of Achievements, Way Forward

ICLEI South Asia organised two online sessions, with support from the Udaipur Municipal Corporation (UMC) and Bernard van Leer Foundation, as part of a closure workshop to share the learnings from the Urban95 programme Phase I in Udaipur.
The project team shared the process of Udaipur’s transformation into an infant, toddler and caregiver (ITC) friendly city through data, analysis, low-cost interventions and capacity building, and the learnings from all activities held during Phase I (January 2019-July 2020). The participants included representatives from the UMC, Udaipur Improvement Trust, the Integrated Child Development Services Department, Town Planning Department, prominent citizens’ groups and NGOs. The two-day interactions also covered scale-up opportunities, and brainstorming sessions to identify other potential locations that could be transformed into ITC-friendly locations, understanding of policy barriers, impact of behavioural change and the opportunities for building capacity.
The participants also discussed the Government of India’s Nurturing Neighbourhoods Challenge, wherein Udaipur has been declared as a “lighthouse city” by the Smart City Mission, based on the tactical interventions implemented during the first phase of the Urban95 programme. The Municipal Commissioner of Udaipur expressed his desire for the continuation of the Urban95 programme and offered support in implementing its second phase.
Listen to the webinar recordings here: